Strength Previous Next


7:45 AM


160 lb


7 / 10
  • Exercises


Legs plyometrics:

3 x 12 each: alternate plyometric lunges, tuck jumps, plyometric lunges (hard!), jump squats.

At this point I was wobbly.

6,4,4,4: Power clean.

60lbs. I tried moving up to 80 first (not happening for more than 3 or 4 and my left wrist was weak), and I tried 70lbs on the last one but my left first couldn't flip it everytime. That said, 60lbs was easy, so maybe soon. Don't know what the weakness is.

8, 6, 4, 2: Squats.

90lbs. Easy, but with the free weights I wanted to be confident. Tried 110lbs on the last one and it was fine. I'll try it next time.

Was very wobbly leaving gym, but more or less fine by 10 or 11 (as opposed to the 4 days it took to recover last time, so...progress. Next time I will try to had some weight to the lifts at the end.

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