Run: Easy-Moderate Previous Next


3:15 PM

7.3 mi


4:44 km


150 lb
143 bpm
153 bpm


8 C
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Well! Interesting run. Now running on heart rate info alone. Going up Hamilton under 154 is painfully slow! But the science says it's good for me, and I'll be damned if it didn't make the rest of my run feel good. Besides, tomorrow is a tempo effort, so there was no need or desire to accumulate lactate going up that hill. And I ran back at 7:30/mi with a 146 heart rate...that's new! Gentlemen of the jury, the trial continues!

And this was all done after doing plyometrics for the first time before a run.

One-legged hops: 25m x 4/leg

Bounding: 25m x 7

Box jumps: 15 x 40cm; 10 x 50cm

Did the core exercises I saw one of the Robertson twins doing in that video. Think that's on the go now - seems more running oriented than the planks and it's East African, so of course it is.

Didn't do stretching, don't know why.
