Run: Relax Previous Next


5:33 PM

7.2 km


5:19 km


144 bpm
193 bpm


13 C


4 / 10
9 / 10
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Fancy new foot pod gave me 90 strides/minute, which is obviously for one foot - a silly oversight in my opinion - they should just assume I have to feet and alternate them. Other people can probably buy different feet pods. In other words, 180 strides/minute, which is surprisingly perfect - I wasn't altering anything and it was a very relaxed pace. Shortness of the stride (instead of slowness of the cadence) could be related to how sore my legs are and how little motion I have in them right now.

Interesting that my heart apparently jumps to 193 even on a supremely easy run, but I think that isn't going to kill me.

Bailed on going long side of Long's Pond, couldn't even fathom those normal hills. As a consequence I bumped into Peter walking Telly on the trail and talked to him for a bit. Although I wanna get back to focused running, I have to admit there are some perks to taking a break and not caring.
