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7:15 AM


160.4 lb


8 / 10
  • Exercises


Warm up:

5' on spinner

1mi on treadmill

Jumping jacks (meant to...can't remember if I did)


Happy to identify the lack of stability in my right leg as a weakness, although it may have to do with on-going DOMS in my dominant leg...which makes sense. Lots of time to build up the bench press...played it safe on the last set, but it was probably wise.

I'm planning to build up to at least 120lbs in the power cleans with a 6, 4, 4, 4 set in the near future.

Calves feel better now than they did before the workout. Easy running has helped a lot. I'll continue to do so until the pain's totally gone.

I had this revelation that next year I can do general strength in the fall with my limited schedule and then do track in the winter, base in the summer. That's a pretty natural fit with what I'm given here. I may not do the mini meet on February 22, because I'm not ready and might benefit from a bit more build-up. I can still run 2 800s this winter. Of course, I can just treat it as a down week. These are more journal-like reflections on my general training rather than facts to remember.
