Run: Precomp Previous Next


3:10 PM

5.7 km


4:45 km


6 C


4 / 10
10 / 10
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I like this pre-comp! Just 100-150 meters 6-8 times at race pace or just faster. Actually don't even know if it was 6 or 7 of these and I just made the run up based on how I felt, what I thought would relax me, and what would loosen up the legs. Must say, nice flat out and back there for these purposes. Must say.

Channeling Ritz in my head today. . Will watch some more inspirational videos on the internets tonight. And Royal Tenenbaums. Bekele, Bekele, Bekele.

Won't know how I feel tomorrow until the first couple k are in and I'm on that first climb, but hypothetically, on a good day, I could hit 4:3X on the uphills, 4:0X on the flat and letter rip sub-4 on the downhills for something like 1:24 (but it's only my eternal optimism that makes me think so).

Eva's big race is tomorrow. Eva, if you're reading this, I'm sending love and belief. I'm going to talk to you tonight anyway, but you know...
