Run: Interval Previous Next


9.5 mi


48 F
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<No name>


Interval workout at St Chris: 6 * 1k at Vo2max pace. First interval workout of the season.

Post run - Woke up not feeling great and not wanting to workout. Didn't help that my IT band was tight. After making coffee I made a deal that I would at least start the workout. Helped having some extra time before work. Warmed up for 3 miles. Lots of people out running this morning. Still wet and very foggy. Did drills and 4 strides before starting. Knew it was going to be rough but tried staying positive. Molz was out there calling off splits. Hit (2:57, 2:56, 2:57, 2:56, 2:57, 2:54) Last one on the St Chis indoor track. Great workout considering it's been a long week of training. Was taking a 3-min active rest between each interval other than the last one. Took a a little extra time getting in the indoor track. Was debating doing the last one, but having a different atmosphere helped. Didn't feel IT band while workout out. Bothered me some on the CD.
