Run: Long Previous Next


17 mi


6:39 mi


65 F
  • Map

<No name>


Long run at Poco with Molzy. Cold/sinus infection in lingering but nothing too bad. Started off running the dream forest loop, which is just short of 7. It was crazy warm for January. Felt sluggish on that loop but was still hitting 6:30's without pressing the issue. My IT band was tight but never all that bad. We hit the car for some water then it was out and back on the old mill trail. Forgot how damn hilly that thing is. Watch went dead 9 miles in and Molz headed back shortly after. I was on my own. It's a good mind game to not have a watch, just running off feel. The return trip, which is about 5 miles back was hilly and tough. Picked it up a bit, finishing strong and tired. Good way to finish off a great week of training. Mentally challenging. Getting fit and I'll be able to test that fitness next week in the 3k at CNU.
