Run: Tempo Previous Next


8 mi


65 F
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<No name>


First workout since dropping out of the 1500 at Richmond.

3 mi Tempo around Byrd lakes (5:03, 5:10, 5:08) + 1200 meters at 4:40 mile pace + 8 X 100 meters hard.

Warm day which was nice. IT band, Hip flexors and foot were all bothersome. Didn't notice my foot as much once I started running fast. The fitness is there, just need the legs to come around. Still need to work on those gluts. Doing everything I can to get those babies firing correctly. Think it's time to get out of the pegs. foot hurts worse every time i run in them. Could be that they're too small, or too soft and flexible. Need to monitor what shoes I'm wearing to work as well.

Training Plan Entry

5 km

Colonial Relays 5k
