Bike: Interval Previous Next


9:03 AM

35.7 mi


17.85 mi / hr


178 lb
127 bpm
161 bpm
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Warm-up for fifteen minutes. Next, shift to a relatively large gear, something that you can push hard, with a lot of watts, for thirty seconds.

The session goes like this, after warm-up. 30 seconds easy pedaling, 30 seconds hard effort. After 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy pedaling in the same gear, and then repeat. 30s easy, 30s hard, 30s easy, 30s hard, etc.

Do this pattern for 30 minutes. When down, ride easy for 15 minutes, and then endurance for 75 minutes.

Tough intervals, but I managed to stay strong through it. I felt out of it at the beginning of the endurance ride, but I put on a tv show and by the end I felt absolutely great! very peaceful.
