Run: Easy Previous Next


8:15 AM

3.2 mi


16:50 mi


209 lb
124 bpm
155 bpm
60 bpm


37 F

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Neighborhood/Lake Opeka path

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This was warm up and cool down walks and a bit over a mile and a half run. I wore my F-Lite 195. According to the book Run Faster by Matt Fitzgerald and Brad Hudson, it is good to switch out shoes. Having a variety of shoes, terrain, gradient, etc. in your workouts helps to prevent repetitive stress injuries. I thought about doing another brief run interval after recovering a bit from this one, but decided that would not be wise. My ithlete HRV app indicated amber this morning. Maybe I just needed more rest last night. Or, maybe I'm just not used to back to back workouts. While not indicating a rest day was needed, it did indicate I shouldn't push it. I still have two more workouts to do this week.
