Run: Easy Previous Next


8:21 AM

2.4 mi


14:26 mi


206 lb
147 bpm
168 bpm
60 bpm


37 F

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Neighborhood/Lake Opeka path

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A one mile aerobic run was planned. I wanted at least to double it. Near the end of the first mile, though, my legs felt dead. Running into the wind and rain on the outbound leg had soaked my jeans and nearly frozen my quads. But, my HR had not yet hit the 161 bpm top of the range. I kept hoping it would exceed my range so I would get to walk. But, it didn't. It stayed just under and I kept running. As I got closer to home, it didn't matter as much as there was less remaining and the end was in sight. As I cross the street towards home, my HR did finally go higher, up to 168 bpm. By then, I was home and the workout was over. Cool down consisted of bringing in the emptied garbage can from the curb. I wore some wool socks and my NB MT110 for this workout.
