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5 km


6:06 mi

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Not a good day.

I felt good starting out and was running pretty comfortably for the rolling first mile, which I ran in 5:59. The second mile had a couple decent downhills in it, so with the same effort level I ended up running about a 5:55 or so. The last mile, however, was almost completely uphill. The first 200 meters and last 200 meters of this mile were flat, the rest was a long climb. My legs just weren't ready for it, and I ended up running 6:23 or something for the last mile.

Overall, I'm not all that happy with this race. I was hoping to at least break 18:30, so this time was disappointing. Of course, I've done nothing to indicate sub-18:30 shape, so maybe I was unrealistic. The good news of today is that my left Achilles is fine, so that's a pretty big deal. Tomorrow starts my formal training for the Via Marathon this September. Since I'll be doing a lot of 5k pace intervals for the next 8-10 weeks, I'll probably try to drop that 5k time a little before I switch my focus to strength in favor of speed.
