Run: Moderate Previous Next


10:00 AM

4 mi


10:36 mi


140 bpm
157 bpm
57 bpm


55 F


1 / 10
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Simple 4 mile recovery run after the badminton tournament. The soreness from running, as usual, cannot even begin to approach the soreness I get from badminton after a long time away, especially when I dive in headfirst like I did Sunday. Races used to make my legs stiff and sore, but playing hard badminton all day after 4 months of none is something else. My calves, shins, quads, hamstrings, and glutes were so sore yesterday I could hardly walk. I couldn't lift my arms over my head because of the shoulders and triceps soreness, and I could barely hold up my glass of water from the soreness in my forearms. Finally, my ribs and back were so sore that it hurt to cough. It was ridiculous. It's a little better today, which is why I went for a very easy run. Interesting to note that my first two miles I didn't go over 140 HR, and I ran them both over a minute faster than I ran my 140 HR mile on Saturday.
