Run: Long Previous Next


13 mi


7:46 mi


7 / 10
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This run was much harder than it should have been. I guess I'm still a bit worn out from the 10 miler, which is kind of distressing since it was 5 days ago. The first 10 miles were very good, but I stopped around this time to guzzle some water from the fountain in the park, and from there on the run was kind of miserable. My legs felt very heavy, especially coming up Granite Street's hill.

My pace didn't vary all that much, I was pretty stable around 7:35-40, but the last two miles were probably in the 8:00-8:30 range. This is becoming a decently serious problem, I'm getting sick of finishing way slower than I start. And I can say all I want that I'll just start slower, but today I started at what felt like a very easy pace and ended up with a 7:40 first mile, and the same thing happened with miles 2 and 3. Maybe I'll start walking the first mile.
