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10 mi


7:21 mi


6 / 10
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A decently hard 10 miler today. I ran the first 4 miles fairly easy, and then at mile 4 I started adding pick-ups for various distances of the course. Since I left my watch timing but sitting on the mailbox, I was using landmarks for the start and stop points. I did four overall pick-ups; the first was about 200 meters at what was probably mile pace, the second and third were about 600 meters at two mile pace, and the last was about half a mile at 5k pace. The third and fourth intervals were specifically started so they would proceed up long hills. In between intervals I just ran easy.

This was a pretty fun workout, although during the long hill intervals my legs got seriously heavy. I had a touch of shin/achilles stuff on the right leg, but it went away about 4 miles in. I also had some twinges in the right knee, but thus far it has not yet become...More Than a Feeling!
