Run: Easy Previous Next


9.5 mi


7:31 mi


2 / 10
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This was a prospective 14 miler, but it was not to be. Around mile 5-6, I was thinking to myself how good this run was; great day, good scenery, and my legs felt great. Around mile 7, I had a weird tingly feeling in my left calf, and about 10 seconds later it change from tingling to a stab from a knife. I stopped, massaged it a bit, then started off again, and 5 steps later that pain came right back. I sat for about 10 minutes, massaging a little and stretching a little, and after that I was able to pull together a careful, shuffling jog to get me back home. The whole way it felt like someone was tickling my left calf with a knife, and every once in a while they'd get too rough and stab me.

So I'm icing it, and I will ice it on and off all day. Right now it hurts to even walk around, so I'm not very hopeful, but if it feels ok tomorrow I'm still going to try to get in my planned morning 5, and see how that goes.
