Run: Tempo Previous Next


10.5 mi


7:23 mi


6 / 10


Threshold workout today before work. About 3 miles warm-up at an easy pace, then 2x10 minutes at somewhere between current 10k and half marathon pace with a 5 minute jog recovery. The pace ended up being about 6:05-6:10 or so on the first one, then 6:20 on the second. The second interval, however, encompassed the enormous hill on 135 so I'm actually pleased I could keep that pace up there.

The intervals felt tough; a lot harder than I would expect them to feel, especially considering that I believe I could run a 10k in the 37 minute range, which is around 6:00 pace. I guess that's typical though, race pace feeling strangely hard in some workouts. I was pleased overall with the effort.
