Run: Moderate Previous Next


10:00 AM

6 mi


9:32 mi


146 bpm
173 bpm
62 bpm


46 F


1 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Easy recovery day from yesterday's longer run. I ran the Simko out and back loop, but I added on an extra two miles to make it 6. When I went out, it was drizzling a little bit, but was otherwise ok. After about a mile, the rain came on steadily and the wind picked up. As far as the weather goes it was pretty miserable; pouring rain with a cold wind.

The run itself was actually very good. My goal for this run was to average 145 or lower, and for a while I was doing just that. I averaged 143 HR for the first 5 miles, with an average pace of 9:30/mile or so. For the last mile, though, I wasn't able to do it. I was soaking wet and the strong winds combined with the rain were making me gasp, so I just ran for the finish without thinking about pace or anything. As it turns out, I kept a pretty steady pace compared to the rest of the run, finishing up with a 9:20 last mile. The difference is that since the last mile has a lot of uphill compared to the rest of the run, I was averaging 155 HR with spikes up to the 170s. No big deal, though, it was cold and I wanted to be home.
