Run: Speed Intervals Previous Next


8800 m


6:18 mi


8 / 10
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Started out feeling pretty good, but it kind of diminished as the workout went on. I planned two sets of 3k, 2k, 1k at descending pace, so HM, 10k, and 5k pace. The first 3k was great, it felt pretty relaxed. The 2k interval was good, I felt some mild discomfort in the legs on the last lap.

The 1k interval is where it got less exciting. My legs were feeling the mild discomfort when I started, and from the second lap on they were feeling pretty rough. After my recovery jog I started the next 3k, and my legs felt like they were full of wet cloth. I was keeping the pace I planned to, but it was a serious struggle. I stopped at 1600 meters when I realized that for that 4th lap I was still keeping my HM pace but the exertion level felt like I was running an all out mile. I called it quits there and just went home.

In retrospect, perhaps it was a bad idea to try and conquer this workout two days after a hard 5k. I'll give it another shot next week and see how it turns out.
