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13.1 mi


7:22 mi

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New Bedford Half Marathon! One year later and approximately 10 minutes slower. I went out in probably 7:45 pace and then picked it up around to ~7:10 pace for mile 4-12, only to totally fall apart in the last mile. I just ran out of gas entirely, which was pretty much expected. If I had held it together a bit better I would have come in closer to 1:35, but my last mile was probably ~9:00 pace.

I'm actually pleased with this result, since I haven't been running consistently for very long and I am just getting over the achilles issue. My achilles and calves are in a surprisingly good state, but my hips and glutes are very tired. My legs rather than my lungs are what really slowed me down at the end. I think I'm doing well with regard to Vermont City and ultimately the ET Marathon in August. As long as I don't get hurt again, I believe that I'm going to be in pretty good shape by the end of the summer.
