Run: Tempo Previous Next


3:30 PM

10.5 mi


8:17 mi


169 bpm
203 bpm


75 F


7 / 10
5 / 10
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This run was a little better than this morning's, but not by a whole lot. It was the same temperature, but the humidity had gone up to about 75-80% and it felt like I was running with a blanket on. It was extremely hard to keep my HR down because of this, so I ran more of a tempo/progression run. The last 1/3 of the run was a lot faster than the first 2/3, with the last mile or so at a pretty quick pace. Even though I was averaging 165-170 for most of the run, it felt easy enough to keep going for a while. This easy feeling went away when I started picking it up substantially for the last mile, but if I kept it steady I could have gone longer.
