Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:30 PM

10.1 mi


8:00 mi


78 F


7 / 10
10 / 10


I ran out to Maston Hill off North Hollow and back for 10 miles. It was wicked hot and humid, so I decided to leave the HRM home and just do an old fashioned tempo run. I must say, I don't know if I want to go back to the HRM. I warmed up down to Route 100, then I started pushing. Averaging about 7:45s down 100, then when I turned onto North Hollow the intensity went up despite the pace only dropping to 7:40s due to the serious hills. I turned around at Maston Hill and came back in 7:15s, then ran easy all the way home from the bottom of North Hollow for a 2.75 mile cool down. I'd forgotten how much I love tempo runs since I haven't done them for a while. Even though it's basically counter to the whole low heart rate thing I've been doing, I'll probably start doing tempo runs or fartleks once a week.

This is also my first run in my new shoes, the Brooks Adrenaline. Initial impressions are that I already like them more than the Radius. They feel much lighter, and I've always preferred more minimal shoes. They're still a bit heavier than I like, but I plan on getting some road flats that I will probably end up doing a good portion of my mileage in. Now I just have to find a pair I like.
