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13.5 mi


7:52 mi

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The distance here is mostly accurate, but the time is approximate. Joe and I went to Fresh Pond and basically did a relay to see how many miles we could get on the watch today. He did about 6.5 to start, I did 7.5, then he took it back and did another 6.5, and I finished up with 6, making my total distance ~13.5 miles.

This was probably the best run I've had since before I hurt my knee. On my first leg, my knee didn't hurt at all while running. When I stopped, it started hurting when I put pressure on it, like standing up from a sit. On the second leg, it was kind of achy while running, but not painful until the last 2 miles or so. Of course, after driving home from Fresh Pond, it was stiff and extremely painful to walk on. It then hurt a ton for the rest of the day.
