Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

12.8 mi


8:59 mi


158 bpm
55 bpm



4 / 10
9 / 10
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Ran to Sherman Road off the East Warren Road and back, total of 12.77 miles. This run felt really good, and the best part is that it's over an hour since I got back and I don't feel wiped out like I usually do. Maybe I can try a 14 or 15 miler next weekend; I'll wait and see how I feel.

I started out with some soreness in my left achilles, but after 20-30 minutes of running it felt fine. Now that I've stopped it feels tight again, but it's nothing too severe. I was impressed with how easy it felt to be running sub 9s for the whole way. Granted, that downhill mile definitely helped drop average pace, since I ran about 7:00 for that mile, but I feel like I made up for it by running that same mile backwards (all uphill) in 10:30. Average pace on the flats was somewhere in the 8:30-9:00 range, even for the last two. Of course, for the last mile I was averaging a heart rate about 15 bpm higher than on the way out, but I feel like sometimes I have to finish strong on my long runs, even if all I'm doing is running an even pace and not pushing like I would the last couple miles of a race.
