Run: Long Previous Next


1:30 PM

18.1 mi


7:13 mi


8 / 10
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What a good run, a huge difference from yesterday. Started out nice and easy, turned out that this was about 7:45 pace today. After 3 miles or so I got down to it and settled into a nice rhythm, about 7:20s or so. I crossed the 10 mile mark in 73:40 and took a Gu, then cruised along for the next 3.5 or so at the same pace.

I was feeling so good at this point that I decided to drop it down to a good, hard pace and finish up like that. I ended up running the last 4 in an average of about 6:35 pace. I was doing 6:15 pace up until Deer Run Road off Granite Street, but the killer hill up to the house put an end to that. The last tempo mile was a hard fought 7:00 or so up the hill. Overall, an excellent run.

Strangely, when I was walking around afterward I got that hot sensation in my throat and a rumbling in my stomach that hints at vomiting. Very mild, but it was there. An odd thing indeed, perhaps the tempo at the end was a bit too fast? Or perhaps the Gu wasn't sitting well? Maybe too many cookies prior?

This week was another disappointing overall week with some gems buried within. A good tempo workout on Wednesday and an excellent long run today were the saving graces. Bad weather and a rough end of the week lost me about 15 miles overall, which I'm not thrilled with. I've got to work on getting more sleep and trying to "rest" during the day so I'm not dead running, or else start getting up and doing more running before work.
