Run: Kinda Long Previous Next


10:30 AM

13.1 mi


9:27 mi


162 bpm
198 bpm
55 bpm


79 F


6 / 10
8 / 10
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I ran down Route 100 to the Post Office Hill Road, then up to North Hollow and back home for a total of 13.05 miles. I probably shouldn't have done it in this order, because Post Office Hill is a devilish beast of a hill. It's literally 2 miles of steep uphill that just trashed me, not to mention that it comes at the exact halfway point on a 13 mile run. I was easily keeping 155 HR, but when I hit this hill my pace slowed by more than a minute per mile and my HR went up to a solid 185. I had a good time on this run though, it was a nice day. My pace dropped by a full minute per mile from the start to the finish, but I think that's kind of expected on such a hilly course. Average HR is obviously high thanks to Post Office Hill and the last 1.25 miles up Plunkton.

This puts a finish to my highest mileage week since high school, and even more exciting to me is that I ran it all in singles. I'm tired, but I don't feel so tired that I couldn't do it again with a good night's sleep here and there. Sadly, I don't feel like I could run a marathon at the moment; I could have raced this run today and done it much faster, but I doubt I could have gone around again. As an easy run, I probably could have added 3-4 more miles in and been comfortable, but 3-4 miles added to that would have done me in. I plan to try running a 15 or 16 miler in a couple weeks just to see if I can handle it.
