Run: Easy Previous Next


6:10 AM

5.5 mi


10:00 mi


33 F


6 / 10
6 / 10


Staying at AMVI. A short drive to Rock Springs conservation area and the Stevens Creek trailhead. Unfortunately, both entrance gates were closed with signs saying they close at sundown. I wasn't going to wait for whenever after sunrise they open, so I parked the car at a place outside the gate and walked in, feeling a bit naughty. Found the trailhead, with a sign saying trail closed due to flooding. Feeling more naughty, I began my run, in order to get whatever I could out of it, and planning to turn around before I found myself underwater. Glad I was naughty; it was only a few hundred yards until I encountered seven whitetail deer practically standing on the trail. One big mama, one baby, and I think the rest were yearlings. I felt I had to stop, rather than to charge into the middle of them. We stared at each other for a few seconds, until mama and baby ran off and the others hopped a few yards back, and I deemed it safe to proceed. As I went, saw lots of other deer, probably twenty in all. I did indeed come upon the flooded section, probably at around one mile, so I turned around and returned to the car. Drove back to the hotel and parked, then proceeded with Plan B (the flooding was not a surprise to me, as we had seen many flooded lowlands as we drove in). Plan B was to run from the hotel a bit up Main Street to the Scovill golf course, and run its perimeter. I was glad to see a groundskeeper as I entered, and I got his permission to do my run. The course was pretty, as golf courses go, and the steep rolling hills were probably good for me.
