Run: Long Previous Next


9:45 AM

13.4 mi


9:27 mi


60 F


7 / 10
8 / 10


DW & I wanted to get a dance studio early for practice, so we did that first, then I took off for the extended run home. Forgot the ankle brace, but told my foot it won't make a whit's difference. Felt pretty relaxed, and worked on keeping it that way. I'm a bit surprised this pace was sub-9:30.

Quite a few runners out. I was wearing my LI-COR 40th shirt, and as a result got some extra attention. Woman yelled hey LI-COR! Said her husband works there. It might have been Jean Holt. Later Gordon Q and wife pulled up beside on their bikes.

The thunderstorm started up by the last three miles. Rain was light at that part, though. I was wetter from sweat.
