Run: Race Previous Next


4:06 PM

10 km


7:28 mi


37 F


8 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

179 / 623 (28.7%)
1 / 7 (14.3%)
134 / 623 (21.5%)
  • Map


The green moustache is a chick magnet - several of the women onlookers yelled nice moustache.

So, they narrowed the start to a ridiculous 3', and a third of the lasses weren't out of the gate when the lads started. Congestion was a real issue on the whole course. I felt really good, and passed a lot of people of all ages. Would have passed more if I could have got around them. Still, it was fun; last mile was hard; cross country parts added interest. High-fived a lot of kids. DD had good run, too & had 5:00 PR. Other homies running: David F, Jess R, Tyler A, Taylor T. Michael G was there watching.

I won AG, gold-rimmed glass, $20, and RRCA medal.

Training Plan Entry


10 km

Leprechaun Chase
