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8:36 AM

13.1 mi


9:33 mi


152 bpm
167 bpm


64 F


8 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

1287 / 3788 (34%)
6 / 24 (25%)
857 / 1640 (52.3%)
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Garmin gave me 13.02 miles, 2:05:01.05, 9:37 pace. Changed this to the official results.

Lincoln's 2nd biggest race - around 4000 runners. I got up at 6:00 am, ate a banana with a little milk, and started drinking water. Took the dog for her minimal 1/2 mile run - that satisfies her for the moment. Got out of the house around 7:15, fairly early to avoid traffic problems. The race starts at a public schools stadium that has ample parking, and I parked easily and then sat in the car long enough to zone out for a little while and listen to the NPR Sunday puzzle. Smile Then it was time to get out and warm up a bit. I didn't need packet pickup or bag check, so I still had plenty of time to use the porta potty and jog around. They have the area blanketed with speakers playing race jams. I counted four drones overhead taking videos of us. I lined up between the 2:00 and 2:05 pacers, hoping I could meet one of those goals. After the national anthem and wheelchair start, we finally got our countdown at 8:30, then started meandering toward the line. It took me six minutes to cross the starting line. From there, we were able to run, but at a reduced pace due to the congestion. That's probably not a bad thing. It got clearer after a couple of miles.

Temp at the start was 64F - quite a difference from the 21F we had 3 days earlier. During the course of the race, it climbed to 76F. That would be a problem for me in a full marathon, and I did get water at every aid station but the last, but I can manage a little heat for the duration of a half. I walk or stop altogether when drinking; otherwise, I'm likely to choke.

Cheering stations and live music all along the course, with the funny signs. The race closes off a couple of arterial streets for a chunk of the morning, making some of the church-goers grumpy.

I was feeling reasonably good - didn't feel like I was running like a gazelle, but okay. Pretty apparent early on that 2:05 would be a more manageable pace, so I made that my goal. The mile banners seemed to tick off steadily for me - it probably helps that I know the course well and the crowds kept things interesting. There were definitely a lot of runners less prepared than I, more and more of them walking as the miles went on. Hard evidence: At mile 3.1 I was in overall position 1759, at mile 10, 1314, and at the finish, 1062.

Miles 11 - 13 were ~ :30mm slower for me. No cramping or anything, but I didn't have any kick in my legs. Just tried to stay relaxed and keep my cadence up. The course has a generally downward slant, but there is a long climb up a pedestrian bridge at the finish. Made myself push through that and come down into the finish corral. Big cheering crowds there. Sat down and downed the chocolate milk and water and chips I picked up. Ate a banana on the shuttle back to the start. My only cramping happened in a hammy as soon as I sat down on the bus - I had to stand right back up for a minute, then stretch my leg in the aisle for a minute as I sat down for the 2nd time. Big grin The ride back drives home that we ran a long way - even though the bus takes a shortcut. Other runners were feeling the same.
