Run: Race Previous Next


8:02 AM

26.2 mi


10:05 mi


151 bpm
169 bpm


43 F


8 / 10
7 / 10

Race Result

539 / 1031 (52.3%)
3 / 12 (25%)
400 / 645 (62%)
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Garmin says 4:23:59.04, 26.21 miles. Adjusted this to official results.

Beautiful course. Much more to report, later.

Saturday, packed, ate breakfast, and picked up DD around 9:00, leaving Sage to the ministrations of the grandkids.

Three-some hour drive made longer by a long single lane crawl past construction. Went straight to the Events Center, since the bnb wouldn't be available until 3:00. The expo was fairly small, but we picked up a lot of swag anyway. Assayed Buzzard Billy's across the street for lunch, but they were too busy, and we went to the Angry Goldfish instead. I had a tasty brisket sandwich and fries.

Checked into bnb - it's in a nice neighborhood a short distance south of downtown, so just as described, "The Ideal Location". Cute, clean house. We had to go from room to room unplugging Glade air fresheners, though. It had a nice Foosball table in the front room, that we unfortunately didn't find time to play.

Made a grocery run, and DD made a nice dinner of pasta with pumpkin sauce and a salad. Laid out our flat runners, set alarms and went to bed.

My alarm went off at 5:30, just a bit before the others', and I doused in the shower but did not shave. Wore shorts and LS red Halfsy shirt, covered by sweats. We left the house at 6:30, and found street parking across from the courthouse, and just 2 blocks from the start line. Walked a block the other way to help DW get her e-bike share checked out. Turned out, that worked great for her. DD & I walked to the start line, which is right beside a downtown Hy-vee, and that's where the smart runners hang out to stay warm and use the RR. I have pretty warm feelings toward Hy-vee because of this as well as because they helped us get through the pandemic with their curbside pickup. And, they're a race sponsor.

About 10 to eight, we went out and snaked through the lined up runners, finding our appropriate pace banners. About 5 till, I took off my sweats and started my watch syncing. My concern about standing around getting cold was entirely unfounded - hardly any wait until the starting gun (or whatever it was; I heard nothing).

Took off at an easy pace as planned. Happy to find that miles 1 & 2 were dead on, and allowed myself to take it easier on the inclines. That put 3 & 4 closer to 10:00, which seemed fine. I was so focused that I almost missed DW cheering at mile 2. Gotta say, I was pretty much inside myself for the whole race, so I fear I missed a lot of the sights.

Miles 2 - 4 on Grand Avenue. Climbing, but I felt okay and didn't force my pace. Water was available at mile 4, and every couple of miles thereafter. I took a cup at every station and walked as I gulped it down. I took the time to use a portapotty 3 or 4 times during the race, each time thinking this should be the last, but I was drinking pretty heavily.

All through the race there were small combos, DJs, and a few Old Boomer With a Keyboard solo acts to keep us entertained.

Miles 4 - 8 snaked through interesting hilly neighborhoods, with good cheering groups and good signs. After that, in 9 - 12, there were fewer hills and curves as we headed north and east toward Drake U. Did the loop around the track. Not many people in the stadium, but there was an announcer reading names. I didn't hear mine if he said it. A block or two on a campus walkway, then back to Kingman Blvd. for 13 - 15.

Shortly after that, we entered Bill Riley trail through the beautiful Greenwood Park. This was the highlight for me, and made 16 - 20 really pleasant.

It was around mile 21 that the 4:20 pacer passed me. I wasn't surprised, because I had several miles below goal pace and I was starting to flag, but I wanted to try to stay with her. Good to have that goal ahead, but I was telling my legs to pick up the cadence and the stride, but they were ignoring me and just plodding along. That said, I'm pleased that I could keep going without being even tempted to walk.

DD and DW were again cheering for me around mile 25. They said I looked tired by that point. Not arguing.

Came to the bridge over the Des Moines, but this time we were diverted off to the north instead of crossing the river. I recall being thankful for this small shortcut. Three more blocks and I came to the only part of the course where I was a bit lost - I suspect more because of brain fog than course marking, but gee, they should make it clear that this is the left turn onto the final two blocks. I had to ask a volunteer if this is where I turn. Once I did turn, the finish line was obvious up ahead, and I wrapped it up by getting the standard finish photo of runner stopping his watch. I don't allow myself to ease up until I'm across that mat, but once I was walking, it wasn't very steady or straight, and a volunteer asked me if I was okay. I convinced him that I wasn't going to collapse, and took my medal and water bottle and headed toward the food. They had pulled pork sandwiches, cookies, and a prepared box of snack packs for us. DW & DD soon found me, and we confabbed for a while as we munched. DD persuaded me to go to (what we thought was) the massage station. Turned out to be the Des Moines U Med School offering services of their med and PT and podiatry students, under faculty supervision. Don't know if it helped much, but it wasn't bad.

Training Plan Entry


26.2 mi


Marine Corps Marathon
