Run: Race Previous Next


8:31 AM

13.1 mi


10:00 mi


153 bpm
169 bpm


40 F


8 / 10
8 / 10

Race Result

779 / 1404 (55.5%)
5 / 10 (50%)
475 / 670 (70.9%)
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Got the whole crew including kids loaded up by 7:40. They drove me to the start area and dropped me off. Dropoff is actually on the lineup road, which is kept open to cars until 8:00, then the timing mat and starting banner are set up. I had been concerned about being cold during the 40 minute wait, but it was actually a pleasant, sunny morning, and I wasn't cold at all. Hung out comfortably with a variety of participants until lineup, then positioned myself between the 2:00 and 2:10 pacers. I hardly saw them during the race; I don't recall 2:10 passing me, but that could easily have happened during the initial climb. Got into the climb without standing on ceremony, and it was immediately evident that one does not run it. I did it while maintaining pretty quick but very short strides. Got pretty breathless, moreso than is typical while running. If anyone actually ran these hills, they were long gone by the time we were on the hill. Slight respite in the middle of the switchback, then another steep climb. Nice to see the summit arch ahead, and Stephen there on his bike. Shortly thereafter was my whole cheering squad, making a wonderful din, appreciated by all the runners around me, I think. There were two signs for me, including the wonderful one E made for me. After two 12:00 miles, I started moving on the flat and downhill portions, logging mile 3 at a 9:14 pace. This was the start of the portion along the lake, where the scenery was beautiful, but the wind was fierce, and at times required effort to just stay upright. People were losing their hats and even their earbuds to the wind. Telling myself that it would be helpful when we turned eastward. Noted how running styles caused me to pass at times, then later to be passed by the same people - there was one woman in particular that I did this with pretty much through the whole race. Dam Hill, and later, Bingham Hill, were pretty unwelcome, and didn't seem any easier than the initial climb, but they were at least shorter. Made the turn to the eastbound section, and indeed, the tailwind was very helpful, including on Bingham Hill. Almost felt like cheating, remember I earned a lot of this in the earlier part of the race. I was glad we weren't directly under any trees - falling branches could be a real danger. The last 2-3 miles weren't terrible, but I was questioning why anyone would run a full marathon. Didn't have a good answer to that. Glad to see New Belgium and make the final turn toward the finish. Great cheering there. Got my medal and shortly saw Stephen and then the family. S stayed with me while I collected my snacks, including chili and tortilla. Passed on the beer, mostly due to the less than pleasant weather. S drove me home and the others arrived a few minutes later. Kids had had enough of the wind.
