Run: Trail Previous Next


11:49 AM

7 mi


10:51 mi


53 F
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Cloudy, cool, light breeze, 53 deg. Bob has another cold so I ran by myself. Decided to go try the old XC loop behind the high school and do 2 loops for some hill training. Ran over to the river trail, but had to turn around and go back by the ball field because the river was really high. Ran through Hosmer, forgot to go onto the dirt path, but it was flooded anyway, so I took a shortcut trail over to it. Wasn’t feeling it even after the 1st mile, I had no energy and my legs felt tired. Went pretty hard up the steep hill after Scottie’s but slowed after. Got to the intersection and started hard up the hill. I was able to go hard all the way up, stopped to pick up a couple sticks. Crossed the power lines and went fairly hard down the hill, again stopping to pick up some sticks. Crossed back over the powerlines and the trail in the woods had quite a bit of ice and snow still. It was also pretty soft in places. Kinda struggled back up to the start up the loop, but hit it hard again. About half way up I was gassed and had to stop to catch my breath. Kept going hard and stopped again just for a minute at the top to get my heart rate down. Ran hard down the back trail this time, and hard all the way back to intersection. Walked for a bit to settle down, then picked it up again. Went hard down the steep hill, then kept a fairly hard pace across the field and all the way up Scottie’s hill. Stop for a bit to rest. Had a hard time getting going again and ran Papianeau’s single track pretty slow. Got going again has I came by the school, the once across Hancock street I ran a steady slightly uncomfortable pace all the way back, picking it up across the footbridge. Walked back and forth across the bridge to cool down. Good training run. Worked hard even though I struggled at times. Really enjoying the cool weather. Supposed to turn really hot the middle of the week.

Gear: shorts, short tech T, headband, water pack.
