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8:20 AM

15.2 mi


12:13 mi


56 F
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Mostly cloudy, started out cool but warmed up as the run went along. Plan was to run directly to the Ridge trail, skipping the single track, to the hills on the back half of the course. Talked to a few people getting ready for a run, who weren't doing the 100 race. They normally run at Pinelands but the trails are closed. Headed out the ATV trail and wasn't feeling too spry, my lower back was sore right from the start. Once I got onto the single track I felt better. Ran most of the way and only walked the steep part. Had a GU and ran down to the ATV trail, but I had to stop a few times to make sure I was still on the trail, it needs some blue ribbon. Head out on the ATV trail. I marched the steep hills and ran the long not so steep ones until my breathing got labored, then switched to marching. I don't think it cost me that much time and I felt better than last weekend. Made it out to the intersection to Upper Street before I knew it. There was a lot less ice, snow, and soupy mud than last week. Made it out to Conant road, stopped to have a honey stinger waffle. Ran back the same way, marching the hills. I was getting pretty warm. Stopped back at the Bradford intersection to splash my face and put my headband in the cold water. Ran down the Bradford loop to get to the deer path trail. Took the Deer Path back towards the parking lot. About half way, I ran into another guy coming the other way. He seemed a little surprised to see me. I was stopping to pick up branches and sticks, the singletrack had been leaf blown by an MTB'r. Stopped at the bridge to cool down again. Sat for a couple minutes, to rest for a bit. Continued out to the big intersection and then ran pretty hard back to the parking lot. Saw a guy with 2 little girls and a chainsaw. Stopped an he asked me about trees down on the Ridge and Deer Path trails. Told him Deer path was good, but Ridge had a couple down. Kept going pretty hard and got back to the car ok. The 2 guys were already back and wanted to know if I saw his wife. I hadn't but she showed up a few minutes later. Good longish run, felt better than last week. Temps were in the 60's at the end.
