Run: Trail Previous Next


11:25 AM

7.4 mi


8:44 mi


40 F
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Partly sunny, windy but not as bad as it’s been. 40 deg. wind chill 37. Bob off today so I ran alone. Decided to run out the Rumford boat launch and back, hadn’t done that for awhile. Felt ok going up Steve’s favorite hill. Went up and over the powerlines, it wasn’t as muddy as I thought it would be. Once I crossed over the bridge and got on the trail I picked up the pace. Tried to run at a moderate pace the whole way. Stopped at the boat launch and emptied out my left shoe. Came back the exact same way and worked to keep the pace up while watching my footing. Ran the road pretty hard back to the mill. Ran across the footbridge and back as a cool down.

Good run, took my inhaler before going out so my breathing felt ok. Wore shorts, a short tech T, with a long tech T over it. Felt like I was dressed right, probably could’ve have gone with just a long tee, but the wind was gusty at times and I was glad I had both on. Legs, hips, back felt good.
