Run: Trail Previous Next


12:08 PM

11.5 mi


10:18 mi


74 F
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Sunny warm, light breeze, 74. Bob off working on the course for the Black Mountain 1 peak challenge. Decided to do a longer run today and take the week-end off. Legs feeling pretty fatigued and beat up from all the racing recently. Wasn’t sure how it would go, but ran a mini “tour de Rumford”. I was going to bring one of my Honey Stinger Waffles home, but forgot it. Only had one GU left (plus the emergency one in my pack). Ate a package of PB crackers before I left.

Ran through Hosmer to the high school then along the old railroad bed to the back and got on the singletrack. Ran it over to the snowmobile trail, then up that to the powerlines. Legs actually felt surprisingly good. Continued on to the Lem Cissel loop. Doesn’t look like there’s been any more logging activity than the last time Bob and I ran it. Made the whole climb, but it was tough in all the dry loose dirt. The trails are really dry and dusty from ATV traffic. Stopped before the long decent to the Isthmus road and squeezed out my headband. Once I got into a rhythm, I ran down at a pretty fast pace. Made it out to the road, went down and picked up the ATV trail again. Ran up to the intersection to Beliveau Road and stopped to pee and wring out the headband again. Started out again and had a GU. Began to feel low on energy, but the GU kicked in after a few minutes and I felt better. Tried to go fast on the downhills. Crossed Beliveau Road and made the long climb up to the powerlines. Stopped one last time to empty the headband. Made it down to Black Bridge, crossed over and headed down the road. Really didn’t want to run the road all the way to the Rec Park entrance, found a path down to the field just before Val’s. It was pretty grown in, and had to bushwack through the raspberries bushes a little to get back to the trail. Ran to the Rec park and around the ball fields. Went out to the second field and ran down the far side. Tried to keep the pace up on the Honda trails, felt ok but starting to get tired. Once back to the boat launch, it looked like I was going to be just shy of 11.5 miles, so I made a little out and back towards the Mexico boat launch. Finished strong back at the mill. Good long run, legs tired but nothing hurt.
