Run: Trail Previous Next


11:53 AM

7.7 mi


11:43 mi


75 F
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Sunny, light wind, hot in the sun, 75 deg. Ran by myself, plan was to go to the High School trail, cross the powerlines and do some hill repeats on the long climb before Lem Cissel’s land. Ran out through Hosmer to the front of the high school and hit the HS trail from there. Didn’t feel that great, legs kinda shaky, felt hot, mentally not a psyched as I should have been. Ran all the way up the steep climb and continued on across the power lines. Felt like stopping a bunch of times, but kept going, legs felt ok, heart rate was up there though. Stopped in the shade at the start of the hill and took off my pack and shirt. Goal was to run two and hike the third if necessary. Ran up the first time and it felt ok, not as long as I remembered. The trail was pretty rocky in spots and one really bad section. Made it the top and down the flat stretch for a bit before stopping to recover. Heading back down but stopped to pick rocks out of the left side of the trail to make a clean line so I could go faster next time. Stopped at the bottom to recover and have a drink. Headed up for the 2nd time. It was harder but made it ok and recovered pretty fast at the top. Ran down harder this time along the line I made. Stopped for another drink and knew I had one more in me. Headed back up for a third time. It was tough but I made it. Pretty gassed but I recovered fairly quick and head back down. Stopped to put my stuff back on and headed back. Ran a moderate pace back to the high school trail, then ran hard down the steep hill all the way to the singletrack, which I took out to Scottie’s field. Stopped to recover for bit, then ran to the back of the high school, to the old railroad bed and down to Hosmer. Ran pretty hard all the way to the track, then easier to the road. Ran the river trail hard to see if I could do it in 4 minutes and finish under an hour 30 minutes. Got the footbridge and knew I wouldn’t make it but ran hard anyway. Finished 30 seconds over. Good training run, even though I felt crappy starting out. Legs felt better as I went along. A tank top would have been better than a short sleeve shirt.
