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11:36 AM

5.6 mi


10:28 mi


61 F
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Cloudy, misty, kinda humid, 61 deg, dew point, 60. Plan was a run to the Mexico Rec park at a faster pace than normal. Ran fairly easy until I got to the Honda Path and then I picked it up. My left leg felt like it was locked up. Left hip, IT band, outside of knee all tight and sore. I notice my left back and upper hamstring have been tight since the race on Saturday. Stopped after a mile to do my hip stretches and everything was good after that. Ran with breathing at 3 in 3 out for as fast as I could maintain that, which was slighty to moderately uncomfortable. Stopped to pee by the Swift for a second then kept going. After climbing back up to the parking lot couldn't get breathing rate down so just stayed at 2 in 3 out to the finish. Good run. I don't think I can take more than 2 days off in a row without things tightening up. Hopefully I can continue to work my way out of it.

Gear: longer shorts, short T (could've gone with a tank), water pack
