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10:42 AM

15.3 mi


11:25 mi


33 F
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Sunny bluebird sky, but strong cold wind. On call this weekend so needed a run in the Rumford area. Bob wanted to do something too. I suggested Concord Pond road since the trails are going to hell. He reached out to Billy to get some info and Billy said he would join us. Got out of the mill around 10:20 and met those guys at the Peru Fire Station and BIlly led the way to where we would park at Jasmine's father's garage. We headed out into the wind on the pavement. Almost a mile and a half of tar before getting to the dirt road. Road was mostly uphill on the way out. Ran with Billy up all the hills. Bob was really struggling and hiked most of the hills. We went out 6.75 miles and I felt good. Had a GU after an hour. We turned around and headed back. We took a side road for 3/4 of a mile to make sure we got to 15. It was more narrow and a lot muddier with some ice. Had another GU once we got back onto the main road. Wind wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but the gusts were definitely cold. Thought I was going to be overdressed but actually just right. Mostly downhill on the way back and we hiked some hills and Bob stayed with us. About mile 11 I was starting to fade. Kind of a low spot. Mentally I was ready to be done and not run another 4 miles. Kept at it and came around on a section of downhill. Legs started getting tired and felt like I had to work hard to stay with Bob and Billy. Once we got on the pavement again Bob picked up the pace. Finished pretty fast and my legs were pretty toasted when we stopped. Good run. Lots of fun running with Billy and Bob. We never stopped or hiked much so I think that is why I was tired today. Still feel like I would struggle to do 20. I'll have to take it slow and easy on race day. No issues with back/hip/IT band though. Left hamstring was a little sore after yesterday's workout but was also ok.

Gear: NB tights, orange W2B long tech T, headband, gloves (on/off/on), sunscreen, sunglasses, water pack
