Run: Easy Previous Next


11:41 AM

4.1 mi


9:49 mi


77 F
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Sunny, hot 77 deg., light wind. Parked outside the gate at the turn around and ran the sidewalk to the beach parking lot. Legs felt tired and creaky for the first mile but eventually loosened up. Swung through the parking lot and then headed across the bridge. It was a little less than a half mile so I went to the crosswalk for the trail and turned around. Just over 2 miles. Stopped on the bridge to take a couple of pictures of the ocean on either side of the bridge. I was trying to keep the pace at a 10 minute mile but keep breathing at 3 in and 3 out. It was work the last mile. With a little less than a half mile to go I started getting crampy and had to go. Made it back to the car, but wouldn’t make it for a cool down and back into the plant. Headed into the woods and took care of business. It’s going to be hard to keep this up. I went about a half hour before my run. It seems if I run longer than 3 miles, I won’t make it. Need to see Rene next month and get it figured out. Good run any away. It was hot but it felt like a good workout.

Gear: shorts, tank, headband, sunscreen, head band.
