Run: Trail Previous Next


11:33 AM

4.1 mi


13:09 mi


73 F
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Sunny kinda hot, 73 deg., felt a little humid. Plan was to try the West Side Trail which starts/ends just outside the gate. Parked in the turn around and ran over to the side trail that goes over to the bench. The trail was nice singletrack, with a lot of stretches of gravel, boards and bridges over the wet spots, and some wet muddy spots. The trail was mostly in the woods but there were a few stretches on the power lines. Felt pretty good, legs not as tired as I thought they would be. Ended at the beach parking lot and stopped to have a GU. I was a little over a tenth short of 2 miles, so I crossed the road to see how far that trail went. It went up and then down. I rolled my right ankle on a rock, something I haven’t done in a long time. Felt ok after running for a bit. The trail ended at a set of steep stairs that went down to the shore. I had just over 2 miles. Turned around and headed back. After about a quarter of a mile I started to get crampy and felt like I had to go. Held off as long as I could, grabbed some big oak leaves along the way and finally stopped behind a big pine tree and let it rip. Felt better, but then felt crampy most of the way back. My legs were getting tired and I was hot, so it was a struggle to the end. Stopped to cool off for a bit before driving back in. Good run. The trail was pretty nice. Saw another guy running and one hiking.

Gear: shorts, tank, headband, handheld bottle (need to fill it, almost ran out), forgot my nipple bandaids yikes!
