Run: Moderate Pace Previous Next


4:34 PM

6.5 mi


9:46 mi


49 F
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No time to run at lunch, so I left work a little early and ran from home. It was probably better because it was sunnier and warmer, but windy in Turner. Thought about hill repeats on South road hill, but my legs were tired still from Sunday's long run and working out yesterday so opted for a 6.2 mile out and back to the end of Pike road. Left knee and calf sore starting out but ok once I started up South road. Felt like I was working pretty hard on the way out but not really going that fast. The wind was not really cold but annoying. Had a GU just before the end of Pike road. Pace was up enough that I had a hard time keeping a 3 in 3 out breathing rate. Focused on my form and keeping my core tight as I got more tired. Didn't go super fast down South road hill. Steady pace up Orchard hill and gassed at the top. Slow strides back up to the driveway. Did 2 loops to the end of the street to make it 6.5 miles. Good training run, did some stretching after, everything ok.

Gear: compression shorts, shorts, long tech T, headband, sunglasses, water pack
