Run: Trail Previous Next


11:49 AM

5.6 mi


10:58 mi


80 F
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Sunny, hot, kinda humid, 80 deg., dew point 67. Bob tied up so I ran by myself. Debated whether or not to go, legs still tired and 2 more races coming right up. Decided to run today, race tomorrow, then take Friday and Saturday off to get ready for the Bruiser on Sunday. Ran to the High School, did the single track, out to Scottie’s and ran one loop of the old XC trail counter clockwise. Easy to moderate pace, but ran the hills fairly hard. Once back down to the trail out to Scottie’s, I was really hot and had to stop for a few minutes to cool down. Ran the rest of the way back, with one stop after the short steep climb after the stream. Saw a little turtle in the trail just before the turn back out to Hosmer. Picked him up and took him to the boggy pond next to the walking path and let him go there. Saw Mike Davis running on the walking path. Finished back at the mill and I was pretty beat. The race tomorrow will have to be real slow. Also, the joint of my right big toe and the ball of my foot is really sore, almost like it is bruised. I think these NB trail shoes are just about worn out. I could feel my foot moving around on the side inclines, uppers not really keeping my foot over the sole.
