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7:34 AM

15.1 mi


14:02 mi


26 F
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Started out cloudy and then turned sunny and a bit windy. There was about a half inch of fresh snow from overnight. OSGR at Riverlands today. I met Bob and 7:30 to get in 5 miles before the run. We went out 2.5 miles to the bottom of the long washed out hill. The trail was really firmed up and pretty good running. I felt my knee until I got warmed up, just like my lunch runs had been this week. Focused on keeping my core tight and picking up my left leg at times. It was ok the rest of the run. When we got back there was no one there yet so we decided to try and get 1 more mile. We headed out Homestead and it was good running. We went as far as the old foundation and then went back. Good size group there by then. Billy came down too. We headed out the Homestead and went to the picnic area. The second half of Homestead wasn't good so we went back to the main trail. Ran mostly in the back with Bob or Billy while Val, Sarah, and Jose ran in the front. We went past the Mower trail and the took the next one down to the river. Back at the main trail, Billy kept going to get 15 miles and the rest of us headed back. Had a second GU on the way. Legs were getting tired but hip and IT band were ok. Val left us and wanted to scope out the Ledges trail. Bob and I ran back together at a kinda slow pace while Sarah and Jose dropped us. We finished at just over 15 miles. My hip and IT never bothered. Good run. Used my new Nathan pack. Seemed to be ok. Good to run some miles with Bob.

Gear: UA tights, short tech T, jacket, warm head band then regular one, gloves (on and off), new water pack, spikes.
