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6:26 AM

3.5 mi


9:10 mi


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Leg 22 - I stopped to walk some coming out of the transition and she walked with me. I told her this one would be slower and probably wouldn’t be able to pass any one. I realized I would need another GU so I asked Dave to grab another one out of my bag and give it to me down the road. I picked up the pace and tried not to be slower than 9 minute miles. The course was pretty flat which made it easier, but it was still 6 miles. The van came along and Christine handed me a GU then they drove off to the transition. I did pass a few people and felt ok but by the last 2.5 miles I was ready to be done. There were a couple small hills and then we turned onto to a major highway. I looked up and could see for a long long way, straight and uphill. It was soul crushing. I figured I’d run as long as I could then walk. I was slower but I ran the whole way and passed more people. There was about a half mile to go and one more small hill before we made the turn to the finish. I knew I could make it but there were still people walking. I thought really? you’re almost there, but they were doing the best they could. Turned in to the finish, at another school, and handed off to Chad. My longest segment was done. I really had to dig deep mentally the last couple miles to get it done. My legs were a little sore but nothing broken.
