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5:11 AM

8.6 mi


8:37 mi


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Leg 21 – Bob ran the legs before me and had some ungodly hills. It was now pretty foggy with a light mist. He was passing people left and right. When we got to the transition area, there were lots of vans and even a line for the port a pottys. The transitions would stay pretty crowded for the rest of the race as we caught up to all the slower teams. I got ready to go, it was a little after 4:00am. I had a tank top on and it was a little chilly waiting for Bob. He finally came along and I took off. The first leg was a little uphill then downhill and flat before a long mile and half climb up a big hill, then down a little and back up a little higher before a long downhill. I made up my mind to run the whole leg and pass as many people as I could, figuring I would pay for it on the next leg. I got passed at the start a few times but after that I started picking people off. I had a pain in the right side of my abdomen, not a side stitch, but like a pulled muscle. It lasted about a half mile and then was ok. Kinda weird. I had asked the van to stop at the top of the big hill, about 5 miles, so I could get water. I had a steady pace going up the hill and there were lots of people walking, so I passed them all. It got daylight on this hill which was a lot faster than I expected, so that was a nice boost. It remained cloudy, cool, and foggy, which was really nice. Just as I was getting to the van there was a string of runners and I passed them but didn’t want to stop so I just took a quick drink and kept motoring. I had my GU on the long downhill and passed a couple more. Then there were 3 rollers before it flattened out a little before the transition. I kept passing people walking and mentally it was a boost knowing what was coming up for rollers. When I came into the transition area I was beat. Kristina was there with a bottle of water.
