Run: Easy Previous Next


11:55 AM

3.2 mi


10:35 mi


32 F
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Cloudy, cold, 32, breezy on the way out. Ran to the bridge and back on the sidewalk. Started out a little slow to make sure it wasn’t still icy, but everything had melted and was just wet. Forgot use my inhaler before I left so this was a test to see how my breathing would be. Had a GU while changing and took a dump right before that, although not a big as it has been at midday. Ran a pretty easy pace, didn’t break a sweat until after a mile or so. Felt ok going out legs a bit tired. After the turn around, my breathing started to get more labored and a little restricted. Tried to keep a steady pace. Once I got to the end of the sidewalk I picked up the pace like I usually do and ran fairly hard to the sign inside the gate. Just past my car I started to feel some pressure in my lower GI. Not bad but it didn’t go away until after I had been stopped for awhile. Easy jog from the sign back to my car. Once back inside I could really feel my breathing was restricted so I had to use the inhaler. Ok after that. Probably should go to twice a day on my daily inhaler. Good run, definitely a winter run. Warmer on the way back and ran without my gloves.

Gear: pants, short tech T, long cotton T, headband, gloves(shed), handheld water
