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12:21 PM

6.8 mi


8:40 mi


35 F
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Hosmer Track


Cloudy, not too cold, 35 deg. no wind. Not quite warm enough to wear shorts. Speed work day. Ran up to York street then down Lincoln Ave. to Hancock and down to the track. The track was clear of snow and the puddles weren’t too deep. Did one easy lap then started the 800 repeats. Plan was to do 6 with a single lap in between to recover. Ran the first one and felt stiff, stopped to have a coughing fit and almost puked. Counted that as my recovery. Next one felt a little better but after the first lap realized I hadn’t started my watch. Had another coughing fit on the recovery lap. The third one I finally felt like I was running smooth. No more coughing. Goal pace was supposed to be 3:40 – 3:45, I thought 3:30 was the faster end. Ran laps 3 and 4 at a 3:33 pace, 5 at 3:31 and 6 at 3:29. These last two felt like I was pushing, going harder than I should have been. The next time if I increase the number of laps I should slow the pace a little so it doesn’t feel like I am going all out. Good workout, it’s been a long time since I’ve done any speed work. Everything felt ok.

There is something going on with my back though. I may have hurt it lifting yesterday. As I was coming down the stairs this morning it felt like my left knee wanted to give out. As I kept testing it, found it was actually sciatic pain shooting down the back of my left leg as I lower myself down to squat or sit down. Doesn’t bother running, walking, or going up and down stairs or standing up.

Gear: pants, long tech T
