Run: Trail Previous Next


12:04 PM

5.6 mi


10:36 mi


88 F
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Sunny, hot, humid but not as bad as it has been. 88 deg, dew point 58. It’s been too hot and humid to run the last 2 days. Bob was busy in the North End. I ran out to the high school and did the old XC loop. Ran at an easy pace because of the heat. My right knee felt a little wonky until I got to Scottie’s field, then it seemed ok. The hill down to the practice field had not been cut and was really tall. Scottie’s had been hayed except for the section from one field to the next, that part was really tall and thick. It was hard just to walk. I figured it would be tick central. Felt good going up the steep hill just after the brook. Stopped to check for ticks and didn’t see any. Got to the intersection and went counterclockwise around the loop. I felt ok climbing but was getting hot. Stopped at the other side of the powerlines to cool down before heading downhill. There was a slight breeze which was nice. Ran pretty fast back down to the intersection. I decided one loop was enough on this hot day so I ran fairly hard back to the steep hill. Tried to go kinda fast, but there are a lot of rocks and branches growing out over the trail. Going back through the fields, I stayed out in the field going from one to the next. Chugged up the hill and stopped to cool off at the woods. Ran the singletrack again although fairly slow. Went back through Hosmer and stopped at the Swift to splash some water on my head. It was kinda cool, I thought it might be warm. Ran at pretty good clip back to the mill and didn’t seem to be too hot. I was hot when I stopped though. Humidity was definitely lower, but it was hot! Everything felt ok. Running the Black Mountain one peak challenge with Bob tomorrow.
