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11:37 AM

6.8 mi


10:19 mi


78 F
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Mexico Ledge


Partly cloudy, very warm, really humid(especially with last night’s rain evaporating), 78 deg. dew point 68. Ran the Ledge again same as last week. I felt hot right from the start and my legs felt sluggish. I took a GU as I was heading out the gate. It was cloudy when I started and the temp wasn’t too bad, but it quickly warmed up as the sun started to break out. Once I got to Thompson Hill road I started to feel better. I was hot climbing but just kept moving. Once past the second ATV sign, I was gassed. Breathing pretty hard and hot. I kept pushing though and made it to the stump and did the 3 loops. Stopped to catch my breath before moving on. The short downhill felt tough on my quads which made me worry about the long downhill back. I ran a pretty easy pace over to the Ledge, most of it is in the sun. Climbed to the top and had to stop and take a knee. I was broiling. Sat down and took off my shirt. I figured I would try running without it. I tied it around the back of my back and headed down the other side of the Ledge. I felt much cooler. I went back to the stump, 3 loops and started back down. I ran surprisingly quick down, being careful to take lots of small steps and pick up my feet. Stopped once to tie my shirt back up. Felt good going all the way down to the Honda trails. My shirt was falling out so I just carried it the rest of the way back. I was moving pretty well and didn’t feel super hot. Thought about stopping at the river but decided it would be good heat training to just keep going. Ran a steady pace, not too slow, not too fast all the way back. I was pretty hot when I finished. Good run overall, happy to push myself to run all the way up. Running with my water pack and no shirt felt ok, no real chafing problems.
